Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wonder phrases

With not many throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes on me, I once again take the risk of putting up few more ‘Wonder Phrases’. You would have heard the more common, “If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches?” Here are some more in the same genre.
  • Is it fruitless to have vegetables?
  • Ever wondered why funeral starts with the word fun?
  • Can you enjoy a party fully?
  • Can you expect a high-rise of flats?
  • Why doesn’t lipstick do what it is meant to?
  • If a deaf person were summoned to court, would it still be called a hearing?
  • How is that you are still sitting, when you already sat?
  • Why is it called a building when it is already built?
  • In a stadium, why do they call it the stands, when you sit there?
  • Is a dyslexic poet inverse?

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