Sunday, November 30, 2008

Less talk, more action...please!

I am sick and tired of everyone lashing out at politicians for the security lapse concerning the recent terrorist attacks on India's business capital. I am not backing the actions of politicians, but merely questioning the importance of this finger-pointing post the event. What is the rationale behind this so-called rational anger?

Yes, we have suffered casualties and we should mourn them. However, let us remind ourselves every day that we cannot afford to have repeat telecasts of this gory episode.

By blaming the establishment, we are giving them the upper hand and letting them continue to believe that we need them for our safety and well-being. We don't!! The politicians of our country should be made to realise that they are dispensable and they are! After all, aren't the cemeteries of the world are full of indispensable men?

That Narendra Modi came to south Bombay, and was also followed by Vilasrao Deshmukh has become a furore. That L K Advani and Manmohan Singh came separately instead of coming together has become a talking point in most of the channels.

What is the point of all this now? What was the point of all this even when the commandos were fighting it out? We know we have elected an incompetent bunch and that even the other parties have leaders who seem more interested in getting to those coveted chairs, but not in doing anything to make it worth each vote that helped them get there.

Time and again, politicians have been an easy target of public ire but their thick skin prevents our pain from tugging at their hearts. So let us not waste our justifiable anger, energy, time and even thoughts on these angels with a facade.

Rather, the need of the hour is a focused approach to channelise this energy and wrath to bring out practical solutions to ensure that we don't have to endure such barbaric incidents again. What we also need to do is ensure that India and Bombay (I still love to call her Bombay) regain their true cosmopolitan nature and not be coerced by a radical who today wants to create a divisive Bombay or others who have forever played religious politics.

I do not know what the pragmatic solutions are. I hope this post generates a discussion where people contribute ideas to make this country a better place to live in. My suggestions might sound naive, but I want to list my thoughts here with the hope that a group of people capable of making these decisions, stumble on this blog and strive to create a difference.  Let me assure you that my contribution towards making a positive difference will be unrelenting!

Here are some of the questions that need answers:
  • Is private governance a possibility? What are its pros and cons?
  • Why not let corporations handle various cities or at least parts of cities like the Tatas manage Jamshedpur?
  • Isn't it high time we amended our constitution after having almost entirely absorbed the British constitution in 1948?
  • Can we have a judicial system that will deliver speedy justice?
  • Can we have a sound law and order system that will ensure that the guilty are indeed brought to the book and not circumvent the long winding legal system?
  • National security is of paramount importance. Will it be given in the hands of someone capable?
  • Can we finally move towards ensuring that the real needs of the masses are met, rather than playing religious and vote bank politics?
  • Can we please have a plan to address various concerns plaguing our country today?
  • Can we also have people accountable for their duty?
  • Can we have deadlines for all that we plan to do and actually be transparent about their completion or otherwise?
  • Can we have better infrastructure and not build bridges and transport systems that take decades to complete?
  • Can we please have less talk and more constructive action?
It is high time!!!


ArviScorpi said...

Question is not what we can do but question is how "WE" can do? Probably the answer is too difficult to answer. WE, the educated and the middle class people who have only voices and no action. People have to be united but they are not because they are part of the system.

Unknown said...

Hi...Excellent post....And thought provoking questions for sure...But the underlying question and the most important one if you may call it is "HOW"...We know the problem areas, perhaps we can come with solutions as well...or there could be solutions...but how are we going to ensure that the plans or ideas work....In my opinion most great ideas fail because of lack of proper execution...As citizens of this nation, I am sure, there will be many who would be asking the same questions...