Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't happy!

We often find ourselves not in the chirpiest of moods. A colleague pissed you off, or a close friend said something they shouldn't have; you thought of some old painful times or are super bored or probably just got off the wrong side of the bed - whatever it may be, we always have a reason to be unhappy.

But it comes to being happy we need to find a reason to be so. Most people would rather be certain they are miserable, than risk being happy. Strange, isn't it? We are so lost in mindless pursuits of materialistic pleasures that we believe will make us happy in the long run, that we tend to forget to enjoy small things and be happy every single moment of our lives.

We've all had this quandary of not knowing how to be happy. The trick however lies in getting out of that unhappy zone as quickly as possible and how you choose to alter your state of mind. It's not an easy thing to do, however that is not reason enough to stop trying be happy. Sooner, rather than later, it is bound to be part of your system, and I am sure you won't stay low for long. Your ability to bounce back will increase manifold and nothing ever can wipe that smile off your face. Be sure, it will wipe that frown off your face in double quick time!

The obvious thing to do is to move away and/or divert yourself from the thing that pulls you down. And for that you need to know the things that make you happy. Here are a few things you can do to get out of the rut. One or a combination of these definitely helps me.

  • Sing songs or listen to music that brings a smile to my face, Music almost always calms me and rarely do I need to do anything else.
  • Watch something light and funny. Even if I have seen a movie or a sitcom many times, I watch it again. It is almost certain to cheer me up. Watching something light helps smoothen frayed nerves.
  • Play some online games or watch a cricket match on Neo sports or Star cricket despite having seen it 14,500 times before.
  • Talk to someone who usually makes you feel better, but preferably don't talk about the things that you are unhappy about. Staying away from the topic helps. It doesn't mean you are running away from something, but it is better to take a breather and then relook at your issues with a fresher and calmer mind.
  • Take a walk, but only if you are able to keep a blank mind. Difficult to do, but if you can, this is worth its weight in gold.
  • Call someone who I haven't spoken in long and just catch up.
  • Reminisce about the days I spent playing with my friends and the old matches and the fun and frolic and the stupid awkward moments.

These are just a few of the things I do. What makes you happy could be similar or vastly different from mine. The important thing is to know what can make you happy at the worst of times.

Being low and unhappy is easy; being happy is not. You might think all this is easier said than done; but remember – nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy!

Once you know what makes you happy, force yourself to do it as much as possible. Slowly but surely you will be habituated to being happy and you'll realise how you are happy and cheerful more often than not.

Happiness is a state of mind; just as all emotions are. Happiness is not a destination but a method of life. Get into the habit of being happy and make your world a better place to be in.

'Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. - Oscar Wilde'


Unknown said...

Nice post buddy.... great to see your post always !

just couple of points here, as as person I do not feel we need to be happy and smiling all the time, we should take the time to understand the pain and probably find the solution or atleast achieve an emotional closure !

But yes, if we being to enjoy wallowing in self pity that is a major problem. Secondly people do not ever live in the present, they are either lost in the past or worried about the future...

like you said enjoy the song now, talk to that friend now, write a blog, read a book .... NOW being the key word

Pure said...

Good One, dear !

I agree to your viewpoint and what I believe in more is " Count your Blessings". This, rather than just being a phrase has become more of a principle of my life.

This helps me to come out of the so-called unhappy, feeling low and lonely type of a situation...

To add on, I like to listen to music, pray or just cry so that the frown disappears and smile reappears.

A very nice post that actually is important for everyone to understand in today's stressful world.

So, Keep smiling and singing. All the best.